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Lottery V2: A new approach

As a result of a first experience with the development of lottery in the ecosystem.

Of which many improvements could be taken into account for the future. Today I am working on making that analysis a reality. Something much more dynamic, but to be used by the world!

That is, the main axis of the lottery v2 is that it will not only be our internal lottery and that’s it. It is thought that various third-party projects can make use of it for promotional purposes and without the need to work on their own development, only through a simple DAPP.

This arises as a result of our new work approach:
Focus on applications and services.

By paying a small fee, a user can create and configure their own lottery within the platform and offer it to their public quickly and easily. Part of that fee will go to automatically inject capital into ecosystem tokens.

Some general characteristics of the new lottery:

  • Multiple prizes.
  • Custom commissions.
  • Auto-conversion of currencies.
  • Start / End manual and automatic.
  • Promotional actions: participation in our lotteries automatically.
  • Many more dynamics!

I hope in these weeks to be able to have a beta available to evaluate and polish our product. Obviously I will share these advances with you obviously.

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